
September 10, 2022
September 10, 2022 Admin

When IDEAS was just a start-up, my stated goal was to become a dominant force in design internationally. With that, I believed, would come riches and fame.
Back to earth, my first paid design job was painting the number 27 on a large beach pebble for my neighbour’s doorstep. He was fed up repeatedly missing out on his parcel deliveries.
In that job, I learned about client appreciation and satisfaction. And kindness: folks would go out of their way to find work for a start-up kid. I also discovered that success could be measured in more ways than financial reward—creativity could be used as a force for change. I also discovered my superpower: an innate understanding of the human condition.

IDEAS began to make a difference beyond our street.
Our first campaign for Central Scotland Police targeted kids and drugs. With young kids in the family, it was a subject close to heart. Our campaign sought to inform but also change community perception of the Police, essentially a rebrand. The success of that campaign led to a Central Scotland-wide initiative.
Soon work for Police Scotland, Woman in Policing and CrimeStoppers, our influence showed no bounds. Why? By comparison to previous campaigns, our results were off the scale—with our creativity, we had brought about positive change in perception and actions.

Among our successes was the recognition and predisposed adoption of SID, an intelligence’ flagging’ system implemented UK-wide. SID allowed police officers to track the movements of known criminals when they move through different force boundaries.
At National Police conferences, I’d pick up work for Interpol and even the CIA. I would sit at the table of the most influential Policing figures in the UK.
But these guys move on.
The same creative strategies we created to foster support for the local bobby are now being used by negotiators faced with humanitarian crises caused by war, corrupt regimes and terrorists.

In other industries the story was the same: soon we were  working for the largest companies in the world: Adobe, BP Worldwide, Virgin, Audemars Piguet, British Airways, Rolls Royce, the Post Office, Ferrari, Ineos, M&S and Schuh, Cadbury, Compare The Market …

They say fame (of an individual or organisation) can be measured as a snapshot taken from the perspective of a given population at a particular time.
Of course, it’s entirely subjective.

Don Jack

See examples of our brand development:

Rock ‘n’ roll
and Chocolate.

Contact IDEAS®: Email: donny@ideas.co.uk
Address: IDEAS®, Redding House, Donaldson Road, Redding FK2 9TQ, Scotland
Phone: +44 (0)1324 716827